Всего: 594221 Новых за месяц: 1211 Новых за неделю: 256 Новых вчера: 36 Новых сегодня: 32 Из них: Пользователей 592379 Проверенных: 1640 Модераторов: 1 Админов: 2 Из них: Парней: 129797 Девушек: 464424
it seems like you all really loved these dragons lol, so i thought i should upload them! THEY WILL REPLACE THE JET TRAILS EFFECT (i tried making it a standalone effect but my computer wasn’t having it, might try again later tho!)
to place them in CAW you will need SUPERCAW. you’ll probabley see two versions of the effect, but both work the same way.
to place them in game, type one of the following codes into the fog emitter - JETTRAILFX, JETTRAILINTER, JETTRAIL
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