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Переделка помады TREESIMZ CHAPPED LIPS EDIT by sehmulated
17.03.2020, 11:35
В оригинале присутствует серая полоса над верхней губой. Оригинал принадлежит treesimz
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Info both are available for male + female, t-e I lightened the original texture because it was a little too pink for me all of the pictures use the same color palette so you can see the changes between the three textures Dead Branches has three channels and uses the exact same color mask as the original did. This is the closest to the original and all I really did was extend the edge of the lips to get rid of the gray. Healthy Leaves has three channels as well but has a completely new color mask made by me. This one I edited so that it looked more natural and felt like something I would use more often. The edge of the top lip is completely edited and blends better with the skin. I also moved the whole top lip around to get rid of the dark pit thing that’s on the original.
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