Всего: 597298 Новых за месяц: 1518 Новых за неделю: 332 Новых вчера: 41 Новых сегодня: 54 Из них: Пользователей 595454 Проверенных: 1642 Модераторов: 1 Админов: 2 Из них: Парней: 130146 Девушек: 467152
Inside you'll find: • Monolith Counter - $1000 in Surfaces/Counters; 6 presets, 1 recolorable channel • Monolith Island Counter - $1000 in Surfaces/Counters; 6 presets, 1 recolorable channel • Monolith Shelf 1 Tile - $100 in Surfaces/Displays; 1 preset, 1 recolorable channel, tileable • Monolith Shelf 2 Tiles - $150 in Surfaces/Displays; 1 preset, 1 recolorable channel, tileable • Monolith Pedestal - $500 in Surfaces/Displays; 8 presets, 6 overlays, 1 recolorable channel • Monolith Coffee Table - $1000 in Surfaces/Displays; 8 presets, 6 overlays, 1 recolorable channel • Monolith Sink - $500 in Plumbing/Sinks; 1 preset, 3 recolorable channels • Monolith Sink Standalone - $1000 in Plumbing/Sinks; 6 presets, 3 recolorable channels Both counters have all working parts and are the same in size and UV mapping so you can put them together and create a seamless object look while still maintaining full functionality. UV map on the front/back/top takes exactly 1 pattern tile for a sleek transition. The sink for the counter matches its UV near perfectly so you can get the "basin carved into the stone" look should you want to. I was going for undermounted, which is not fully feasible but I got it as close as humanly possible, I think. The second channel is the tiny sliver of countertop surface that remained. If you want the truly undermounted look opt for the standalone sink, which I've made like a fake counter. The shelves take up exactly one and two tiles respectively (texture as well) and can be tiled next to each other. The pedestal and coffee table have several eye-catching marble overlays and fully recolorable presets at the end. Also great thing about minimalism is that everything (excluding the sinks) is extremely low poly by design and should be very gameplay friendly. Counters come in both package and Sims3Pack - install only one
Everything is BG compatible and compressed. Enjoy!
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