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Одежда, кровь, генетика SIMBLREEN PART 1 - APOCALYPSE от Moonskin93
23.08.2020, 17:33
- INFECTION FULL: it has 4 phases, the texture includes the veins, the bite, the eyes, and the eyebags. Only one tone that fits both light and darker skins, but I made everything as individual texture too with more tones, so. Dimple left section. - STANDALONE INFECTION VEINS: individual veins, some swatches from lighter to darker. Tattoo right arm section. - STANDALONE EYES: individual eyes, four phases, from the more transparent to the full solid. Mole cheek right section. - STANDALONE BITES: individual bites. They have four phases, and many positions: neck, as showed in pics, forearm, shoulder, thigh, calf. Necklace section. - STANDALONE EYEBAGS: individual eyebags, some swatches, but I recommend to use the darker. Eyesocket section. - ZOMBIE BLOOD: two version, light and darker. I recommend to use the darker, it’s more realistic and fits all the skin colors. Blush section. - SPLATTER BLOOD: many swatches, a full one cover everything, hair and hats included. Lighter and darker. Face paint section. - DIRTY CLOTHES: dirt for clothes and everything, it affects hair, shoes and hats too. Some swatches, plus same swatches that not include the “extra” area of the texture to avoid weirdness on 3D eyelashes. Wrist left section, accessory. - ROTTEN FLESH: I made this overlay years ago. Improved, many swatches. It works as blush, so it will change depending by the skin color, but some swatches look very good on dark sims. Tattoo forearm left section.
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